TFGDL – Yahel

Crafted a captivating video remotely to promote an electrifying electronic music event in Mexico

  • Client TFGDL
  • Date 2021
  • Services Production Vidéo
  • Équipe impliquée Pablo Quiñones
Yahel Video promo
Video Production

Trancefamily Guadalajara, Yahel video promo is a dynamic project I worked on, focusing on editing and post-production to promote an electrifying electronic music event in Mexico. Utilizing Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, and Premiere Pro, I crafted a visually captivating video that aimed to engage the Mexico Trance community.

Despite the challenge of working remotely with the team in Mexico while I was in Ecuador, we successfully collaborated to deliver a high-quality result. The client’s satisfaction was evident as they expressed their delight with the final video. This promo effectively captures the energy and essence of the event, leaving viewers eagerly anticipating an unforgettable experience.”